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Publishing Costs

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Why are there publishing costs?

WordShack does not allow advertising on our site. We prefer to showcase the author's work to readers and literary agents without these distractions. By offering authors an international audience for their work, we extend their sphere of influence and their potential opportunies in the literary field. For that reason the cost of producing the site, advertising, paying our html coders, editors and graphic designer is shared by all. If you are interested in submitting work, please click here for a more detailed explanation. Please remember that the work always belongs to you. Think of the fee as advertising your talent. If you have any questions contact us.

How to pay for Publishing Costs

Simply choose the appropriate publishing cost based on the number of words contained in your work. Payments for submitting your work to WordShack can be made by either of the following methods:

If you do not have a PayPal account, you will be given the option of:

If you have any difficulty, contact us immediately.

Non US-Residents please note: PayPal will calculate the cost in your own currency dependent on the prevailing currency rate against the USD on the date of the transaction. You may wish to check a currency conversion table. For GBP cheques, Wordshack Publishing will accept the listed Sterling figure which has been calculated at a rate of 1.40.