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Featured Author - Bob Stubenrauch
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About This Month's Author

This month we celebrate a generation.The Preface of Cat Thirteen offers us a glimpse into a time most of us have only heard about. WordShack wishes to thank filmmaker, Ken Burns for his support of our book Cat Thirteen. Bob Stubenrauch wrote of his experiences during World War II in this amazing book. Mr. Burns has produced a new series which will appear on America's Public Broadcasting Service during September and October. The series, The War, uses the photographs taken by combat photographers to help tell the story of a war most Americans supported. We have reprinted the cover to accomodate his quote. Here is what Ken Burns has said about Cat Thirteen.

"Without the work of the brave, brave combat photographers, we would be without the crucial "evidence" that brings the war uncomfortably but necessarily into our living rooms and consciousnesses. We need them and the stories -big and small-they've captured for us, and this book goes a long way toward honoring them." Ken Burns, Filmmaker

View some of these amazing photographs taken by men like Bob Stubenrauch who were members of the U.S. Army Signal Corp. World War II Photo Gallery

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Lynda Blankenship, CEO of North American Operations
Ben Bernstein, CEO European Operations

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