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Genre: War or Peace | Story Listings

The Preface of Cat Thirteen

By: Bob Stubenrauch

This book takes my breath away. It is one of the finest accounts of World War II ever written. Critics have acclaimed it and now Ken Burns the filmmaker has endorsed it. We offer you the preface which is powerful and has brought many an interviewer to tears. We remember a great generation and the gifts they gave us. They spent their youth saving civilization.


By: Emslie Dick

Our Canadian author warns that "change is upon you! You cannot hide from it. The choices you make from now on will dictate whether this change will benefit you, or destroy you. This is not a how-to-book, but rather, a what-to-look-for-and-where-to-find-it-guide." Intelligent and thought provoking we suggest you print this one. It may be a reference book for your future.

Wisdom - Book Two
The Wisdom of Schoolhouse Earth

By: Emslie Dick

Our Canadian author has studied a lifetime to bring us these words. Why are you here on earth right now? What are we meant to be learning? Questions the world should be asking. Don't miss Wisdom - Book One here at WordShack.

He Is Home

By: J. Paulette Forshey

War has long been man's companion. We send boys away to fight for us and we are told we get men back. I wonder. Mothers may not see it that way.

The Medal

By: Bob Stubenrauch

This old warrior joins a parade. He has no idea of his destination. This thought provoking work engages the reader on many levels.

The War Between The Sexes

By: Susan Browne

Not all wars are fought on battlefields. This war is the longest running war in history. Is there any hope for a truce? Maybe, each of us must decide for ourselves.

War And Terrorism

By: Citizens of The World

Is no one listening? We are. We will be posting the opinions of people on the concepts of war with Iraq and the war on terrorism. This is your chance to share your thoughts. No need to be a writer. You just need to have an opinion. All ideas and citizens of any nation are welcome to join in our dialogue. Absolutely no fee will be charged for contributions to this ongoing story.

Rosie The Riveter

By: Mary Gopp as told to Sandra Smith

60 years ago, women left their schools and homes to make their contribution to saving civilization. Factory workers fought WWII in their own way. This memoir shares that story.