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If Wibbles Wobbled

By: Dani L. Gustavich

What would happen if wibbles wobbled?

If wobbles wibbled
And chickens gobbled?
If turkeys clucked
If bass drums plucked
If guitars banged
And little worms sang?
What would happen if wibbles wobbled?

What would happen if the day was night,
The day was dark
And the night was bright?
What would happen if up was down,
If the ground was sky
And the sky was ground?
What would happen if the day was night?

What would happen if we walked on our hands and waved with our feet?
(Wouldn't it be neat to wave with your feet?)
But then, of course, we'd be upside down,
Our toes in the air,
Our head on the ground.
Unless, of course, our heads were on our hips.
Then we'd use our toes to eat potato chips!
We'd need shoes for our hands
And gloves for our feet.
Oh, wouldn't it, wouldn't it,
Wouldn't it be neat?

What would happen if all of our dreams came true
And I could be me
And you could be you?
And chickens could gobble or cluck as they choose
And the sun could be friends with the man in the moon?
And we could always be happy and feel loved and free
And wibbles could wibble or wobble with me.

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