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Past Featured Author

Dale C. Uhlmann

Massillon, Ohio U.S.A.


Major league baseball, movies (both current and old, but especially classic films). reading, and writing. My interests in baseball and movies (especially sci fi and fantasy/horror) are both reflected, I suspsect in "Chindi."

Most Embarrassing Moment

Introducing myself and my course in detail to the wrong class one day three years ago at Kent State University, because I had accidentally mixed up my class rosters.

Most Memorable Moment

When I delivered a paper of mine at the University of West Virginia Shakespeare and Renaissance Festival in the spring of 1981, during my first year in graduate school at the University of Akron. My entire family, including my beloved parents, were in attendance, thus making it a truly proud moment for me.

Advice to Other Amateur Authors

Keep at it, and don't let the inevitable rejections (of which I've had my share!) from companies reluctant to take a chance on publishing new or unknown authors deter you.

And More…

If I may, I'd like to take this opportunity to dedicate "Chindi" to my late parents, Curtis C. and Helen Uhlmann, for the great love and support that I will always remember them for.

Stories by Dale C. Uhlmann