Genre: Poetry | Story Listings
Poems For The Women
By: Vincent DiGiacomo
Many women will make up the life of a man, but two will make the man. Mothers and Grandmothers form the soul. This poet seems to know that. He celebrates them in this poetic memory, is it the child or the man who speaks? Or are they always one and the same?
The Ballad Of Irving The Christmas Snake
By: Donovan Ackley
Are your Christmas traditions getting a bit tired? Why not spice them up by reading this poem to the children before they head off to bed on Christmas Eve. Irving brings a new twist to 'Twas The Night Before Christmas.
You Are So Special
By: Kwame P. Campbell
A new poet from South Carolina has shared his talent with us. He has been inspired by someone very special. Love is the best gift of all.
Lean On Me
By: James A. Pocza
This small thought might be just what you need to keep going. Mr. Pocza's recently published second book of poetry titled, Passport To Love, gives him even more room to celebrate his inspirational talents. WordShack celebrates the poet in all of us.
Poetry Of The Spirit
By: James A. Pocza
Poets write to celebrate many things. This new poet to the pages of WordShack celebrates life and the life of his spirit. He even celebrates a bit of humor. His first published book of poetry titled, Tapestry of Inspired Poetry, has found a very loyal audience of readers around the world.
By: Marilyn Tullys
After 36 years of teaching, our author was invited to join the Society of Visiting Scholars at Cambridge University in England. These poems chronicle her time there. They speak of rebirth and the healing of old wounds. A midlife passage through ancient places to new understandings.
By: Barbara Raikin Fleischer
This American poet shares the little things that make a life.
Her collection of poems reminds us to look at our own
lives in wonder.
Freshly Cut Words
By: G. Carrol & K. Jevec
These two noted educators bring you a sure fire method to find your own inner poet. This fun and easy technique will help both adults and children express themselves. And it is fun!!!
The Hound
By: Roy Preece
If you enjoy the works of both Edgar Allen Poe and Arther Conan Doyle you are really going to love this one. A creative retelling of The Hound of the Baskerville's to the tempo of The Raven. It returns us to the days when words alone could frighten. We do suggest you read it with the lights on.
You Are Getting Old Mate
By: Roy Hare
Having another birthday this year? We certainly hope so. This little poem should give you a chuckle.
Life's Like That -Part I. People
Part II. Developments
Part III. Changing Times
Part IV. The End
By: Elizabeth Parish
We are very proud to bring you the work of this British poet. Each of Elizabeth's poems is a short story. Don't forget to read the entire collection.
Love Is
By: Roy Hare
If you are looking for a great love poem, here it is. Shakespear couldn't have said it better. And don't miss the bonus poem.
Dream Street
By: Nicole Haines
This gifted American Poet brings us her humor, her heart and her soul. It is, after all, that time of the year when our hearts should turn to love and laughter.
City Dreams
By: Nicole Haines
Our poet shares more of her dreams and visions. The world can't read too much poetry. Poetry is the language of the soul. Have you fed your soul today?
Winter Thoughts
By: Roy Hare
England is a gray and cold place in the Winter, but this author stays warm by creating the best poetry. What can you say about Roy Hare's poetry, he is such fun.
By: J. Paulette Forshey
This wonderful poet shares her thoughts on a very private subject. That is the purpose of good poetry isn't it?
Coming To Terms
By: Dani L. Gustavich
Here is a new poet to our pages. We think she is quite talented. Explore her work and see if it doesn't speak to you. It certainly did to us.
Blues And Twos
By: Roy Hare
One of our favorite poets (I should spell that favourite poets since he is British) is feeling a bit under the weather. Leave it to him to write us a poem about the experience. They do say laughter is the best medicine.
Reflections On The Flag
By: Bob Stubenrauch
A flag is but a piece of clother, until someone dies for it. Our author saw thousands die for his flag, the American flag. He reminds us why they did it.
Reflections On A Superloo
By: Roy Hare
This is Roy Hare at his very best. If you need a laugh, this should do it for you.
A Cricket Outside My Window
By: Barbara Malavite
The beauties of nature are all around us. Here is a poem written by someone who is paying attention.
Cherry Blare
By: Roy Hare
Do you wonder why the British are not happy with their government? They seem like such nice people. Our poet shares a bit of a scandal with us. Who knew poetry could be better than a newspaper?